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Good. So do I. What started out as a place where I posted reviews, thoughts, and suggestions surrounding mostly young adult fiction has now turned into my personal venting space. I'm going to review books. I'm going to be honest. And I'm going to be snarky. You've been warned.

May 4, 2012

Clockwork Prince

Gawd damn this book.

Alright, let me take a step back. Clockwork Prince is the second book in the Infernal Devices series. I read the first one, Clockwork Angel, back in March. Having never read Cassandra Clare before, I really liked it, more than I thought I would.

I did not feel the same way about Clockwork Prince. Maybe that has something to do with my overall annoyance with books in a series, and how this one ended with a major cliff hanger that won't be resolved until next year.

So this story picks up pretty much right where Clockwork Angel left off. In Victorian London, Tessa's finally found a place she feels she belongs. And she feels safe. But of course, things can't stay like that. Rogue forces in the Clave want Charlotte, the head of the Institute, thrown out. The Magister is still hell bent on getting Tessa. And as if that wasn't enough, Tessa's finding that she likes both Will and Jem.

Okay, so what I did like: the characters grew in this book, even the minor ones. I wasn't surprised with some of the betrayals that happened, but I liked watching how they played out. There were some really great scenes and moments that were beautiful. I think my overall gripe with this book was Tessa. I wanted to kick her in the shins. I understand why the whole annoying love triangle happened and it's supposed to be heart breaking, but I never got the impression that she was really in love with the other guy. It felt more like she just wanted to make certain people happy and do the right thing. Why can't people just do what they want for goodness sake? And that's what pissed me off. Is that supposed to be noble of her? I didn't buy it, not when she kept flip flopping.

And Will. Oh Will, you're such an idiot. But he's still hilarious. I think he's my favorite. He should have his own series. The revelation of his past and secret was hilarious. And I don't think it was meant to be funny.

So if you read Clockwork Angel, go ahead and read this. Most people enjoyed this book, and maybe you'll be less annoyed with certain events. I'm sure Clockwork Princess will drop some major bombs. In freaking March.


Sometime while I was reading this book, I thought of this scene from Interview with the Vampire. I'm not sure why.


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