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Good. So do I. What started out as a place where I posted reviews, thoughts, and suggestions surrounding mostly young adult fiction has now turned into my personal venting space. I'm going to review books. I'm going to be honest. And I'm going to be snarky. You've been warned.

Jun 7, 2011

Recently Read: Where She Went

I downloaded Where She Went, the sequel to If I Stay, onto my kindle and read it in pretty much one sitting. Now, if you remember back when I first posted about this book in April, I had my reservations about the story and plot and being able to connect with the characters. Obviously, it was an easy read, and obviously I didn't hate it if I read it in one day. To be honest, it was a cute story - annoying and cheesy at times (but hey, I do cheese quite well) - but enjoyable. There were no surprises though. I kept thinking the same thing over and over in my head - this is gonna happen like this.

But a good story doesn't need to have surprises, twists and turns to be a good story. There were times that I wanted to slap Adam, the narrator, because he just seemed so damn pathetic - in love with a girl who broke his heart, he was never able to get over her, and now he has a nervous twitch. But don't feel sorry for him, he has a gorgeous actress girlfriend and is the singer of the super popular Shooting Star. What about Mia? Well, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, either, for having such a perfect New York life. Though I rolled my eyes and wanted to slap people, I was equally amused and entertained. So if you're looking for something with a happy ending (and you've read the first book, of course) then go ahead and read Where She Went. It'll leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Oh, book trailers, how you make me laugh, and how ridiculous you are.

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