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Jul 10, 2012

The River of Time Continues

Just when you thought the series was over, another e-novella is released. I, of course, immediately bought, downloaded and read the fifth installment, Tributary, as soon as it was available.

Tributary begins a year after the last novella Bourne, ended. I hate to say it, but this was my least favorite. I almost want to forget that I read it. Almost.


What I didn't like: What happens to Gabi in the end. That was a big giant UGH for me. Especially since she was so oblivious. The point of view shifts from 1st person to 3rd were annoying (at first) -- mostly because the whole series up until now has been told in 1st person. I found Lord Greco's turmoil more on the verge of whining. The action in this book compared to the others was definitely lacking. It was one of the things I loved about the series. This installment was also really predictable in a way I found annoying. Maybe I could have forgiven that if there was more action.

What I did like: Lia and Luca. No matter how much I missed seeing things from Gabi's point of view, I just really like Lia. And Luca steals the show.

Though I was disappointed, I would still urge those who have read the River of Time series to read this latest e-novella if they are looking for closure. If you haven't read any of the books yet, see what I had to say about them here, here, and here. Lisa Bergren might write more about these characters in the future, but that all depends on book sales. If she does end up writing more, I -- despite my disappointment with Tributary -- will read them all.

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